The ‘Status Quo’
The Physiotherapy profession is ever-changing.
Each year there’s new research and a constantly evolving understanding of the way the body adapts and reacts. This means to reach, and remain at the forefront of the Physiotherapy industry, you need to be passionate and committed to keeping an up to date knowledge base. This includes treating a person as a person, and not just as a body part. If you’re not keeping up, you’re falling behind, which means less than ideal outcomes and underwhelming results for you, the client.
Sadly, the vast majority of the Physiotherapy profession is doing just that.
Below are the things we consider the ‘old way’ of doing things, or the ‘status quo’ for a large number of Physiotherapy practices still.
- Using language that conveys the body to be fragile, and weak, or that something needs to be ‘fixed’ or put back in place for you to feel better. This is perhaps our biggest pet peeve!
- Using out of date techniques
- Treating the symptoms and not the root cause of the pain
- Keeping treatments to the massage table alone and not incorporating exercise.
- 20-30 minute initial consultations, barely time enough to chat about your issue, let alone perform some meaningful intervention.
- Lack of communication about your issue including all the things you want to know in order to feel satisfied and understood.
- No transparency in what your treatment journey will look like: how many times you’ll need to attend and at what likely frequency.
- No discussion around your ‘why’: why are you here in the first place? What is it stopping you doing and what is it that you are so desperate to get back to doing.
- Being told to rest completely! How often have you been told by a therapist or health practitioner – just don’t do that for a while?
- The mindset that “if my hands can’t fix you, you need surgery or a cortisone injection”
We strive everyday to break the status quo and deliver an exceptional service that gives tremendous outcomes for our client base. As such, what is the ‘status quo’ elsewhere, is NOT what you receive at Thrive Physio Plus.
Head on over to the ‘Our Promise’ page to read about what we promise to deliver to you in your health journey with us.